
Mastodon accounts
I have been using Mastodon for a little while now and overall it is a positive experience but there are a few things that irk me:
Users that post content that refers you to external link with a paywall
Users that post content with external link that requires you to sign up
Users that promote their own books for sale
Users that ask for a coffee donation. What do you think About monetization?

> What do you think About monetization?

I think it's fine. I'm all for people trying to make a living free of corporate intermediaries and promoting their work is part of what independent social media is for. That said, it's good form to warn people when a link doesn't just supply media without a login, payment etc.

People posting here as part of their job search is fine too. I do get bothered by begposting, but only because it seems ripe for abuse. If people need help, it's OK to ask.

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