A big disadvantage about mastodon.social: it's very possible that it might be de-federated if moderation starts failing.

With 178K active users and 1 moderator, I simply don't see how mastodon.social is sustainable in its current shape.

By the way, I say this as someone who's been on mastodon.social since 2018!

Hi Chris, fortunately, every Mastodon instance performs it’s own moderation. They can delete the connection to any other instance that violates it’s content standards. There is no central authority that performs moderation and this is good.

Yes, there will be alt-right instances and other skewers of unacceptable content but they will be isolated by being banned by other instances until they are reduced to talking amongst themselves.


Yes, after reading your bio I see you have a deep understanding of Mastodon. But I disagree with you that Mastodon is “unsustainable”. In my opinion, decentralised moderation is the key to it’s sustainability.

@dean I'm talking about mastodon.social, not Mastodon. And my concern has been addressed.


@atomicpoet Thanks for the clarification. Yes, large instances will have the same problems that Twitter has but on a smaller scale.

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